Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Model Home Photos

Hi all,

Hope everyone is having a great holiday. We got a new batch of photos from our builder - the Standard Pacific model home is now open. Here are a bunch of shots - click to embiggen.

All looks good, though I can say with some certainty that we wouldn't have picked that particular shade of ... Salmon? Peach? Nantucket Red? Whatever it is. Yearg. Thankfully, we'll be picking our own colors.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Framing & Slabbing

Here's a few new photos of progress at Mueller from our Realtor, Oliver Hall:

Camacho & Antone

On The Corner


Sahm & Antone

Pinckney & Antone

Cal Rodgers & Antone

Saturday, December 15, 2007

First Move-In

Got a note from our builder (Standard Pacific) - they're moving their sales offices from the trailer into the model home on December 19, and they'll be located there from that point on. Is that the official first Mueller move-in?

Friday, December 7, 2007

Home Depot

So, the big news in the past week or so is the addition of big box hardware store Home Depot to the Mueller area.

While I'm not generally a big box fan, I don't really mind HD moving in - if nothing else, it'll help with all the extra move-in tasks like assembling things, fixing little annoyances, etc. And when I think "Home Depot", I don't usually think "suburban takeover of urban areas".

What do you think, readers? Big opinions either way?