So, if you follow the Mueller list at all, you know there's a lot going on with AISD right now. A couple weeks ago, I attended a school board meeting to speak in favor of keeping Mueller Elementary as a named school on the upcoming bond package:
Folks were also there to speak out against locating a district-wide PAC (Performing Arts Center) at Mueller - not because they don't want to fund a PAC, but because the current proposal would put it on the east (quiet, residential) side of Mueller, which
would mean huge increases of traffic and parking problems on a daily basis.
Anyway, all the attention seems to have done something, because while that board didn't make any concessions, now the larger AISD leadership is considering expanding the Bond package to include Mueller. Organizers in the Mueller community are asking everybody to contact the board, as follows (per Dusty Harshman):
1. Sign the iPetition that Kim Wine and Dusty will present to the AISD Board of Trustees. Please feel free to leave a short comment with your signature of support.
2. Write a note or letter to the AISD Board of Trustees regarding the 2008 School Bond Proposal. E-mail the Board at Then print it and put it in an envelope and send it to AISD Board of Trustees, 2008 Bond Proposal, 1111 West 6th Street, Austin, TX 78703.
3. This is important. The Board of Trustees have re-opened the floor to public comment at their three work sessions in the next week. On February 18th (Monday), the AISD Board of Trustees are accepting public comment regarding the 2008 bond proposal. Please consider attending this meetings and signing to speak in favor of the restoration of Mueller ES to the bond proposal. The Board is re-considering the bond's scope, and they are practically begging the Mueller community to show our numbers and support for the elementary school. While not an easy task, your presence at these meetings can make a substantial difference in Mueller's development. Board meetings are held at the Carruth Administration Complex (CAC) located at 1111 West 6th Street, Room B-100, Austin, Texas, 78703. The meeting is at 6:00PM, and it will be the last opportunity to speak on Mueller's behalf before the Board of Trustees sets the bond on February 25th. Please arrive before 7:00PM to sign up to speak. There is not yet a posted agenda.
I can't make it on Monday, as I'm hosting an event for the Austin Music Foundation, but I hope others can go and speak in support of the school.